How to: Make a DIY Epoxy Pea Gravel Patio
June 09 2022
For those of you who have been around for a while, you might remember me mixing pea gravel in a wheelbarrow with some epoxy and making an awesome patio on HGTV. If you’re new around here, and that sounds weird, let me explain. My clients wanted to add a patio to the front of their house. The best material (in my opinion) from a cost standpoint and for the overall design was to use pea gravel. I love pea gravel patios, but these clients had little kids and I was concerned the kiddos would make a mess of the rocks and maybe even eat them. The last thing I wanted to do was add any extra work to these busy parents’ plates. ENTER: THE PEA GRAVEL EPOXY THAT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE!
Okay okay, that might be an exaggeration, but let me tell you about this product. (Oh, and by NO MEANS is this an advertisement. I just think this project is cool and I’ve gotten SO MANY QUESTIONS about this material.) Sooooo, I was hanging out at the building supply store (this is more common than you might think for me – ha!) and I saw this random jug of material that looked cool. “What’s this?” I asked the salesperson and I was launched into the world of pea gravel epoxy. Basically, this is a clear glue of sorts that holds the pea gravel in place, while still giving the natural and “imperfect” look of pea gravel. The cool thing is, the material is porous, so water seeps through it and doesn’t pool on top. Why is this important? Drainage, my friends. If water just sits on top, you have to do all sorts of things you’d never think of like installing drains, adding a slope so the water runs to those drains and I don’t know about you, but to me that sounds like a lot of work.
This material is great if you’re making a full patio, or are just trying to add pea gravel in between pads of concrete on your driveway or patio. You know those pesky rocks that always get kicked out of their place? This is the solution! So without further adieu, here are the steps:
How to Make a DIY Epoxy Pea Gravel Patio
What You’ll Need
- Gravel-Lok DIY Stone Bonding Kit (or similar)
- Bucket or Wheelbarrow for mixing (if you didn’t buy the same kit as me)
- Level (if you’re making a patio)
Wash your gravel. If you bought bulk gravel, you won’t believe how dirty it is! Run water over the gravel and strain until the water runs clear. Don’t move on to the next step until your gravel is DRY. Speaking of dry, you’ll want to install this epoxy in the morning, on a day that isn’t windy, and where there’s lots of sun for it to dry. Follow the package instructions to make sure the outside temperature is okay.
Prep your patio or area between concrete pads. If you’re building a patio, you’ll want to follow proper instructions for building a pea gravel patio, just hold off on adding the actual pea gravel for now. If you’re filling driveway or patio creases, remove all existing gravel and wash it before putting it back in place with epoxy.
Get ready to be on the clock! The tough thing about epoxy is once you mix it, you’re on the clock. So have everything ready, have some extra helping hands, and then pull the trigger on the epoxy! Mix the solution per the manufacturer’s instructions and then add to your clear dry pea gravel in a bucket or wheelbarrow. Mix until coated (to me this felt like a giant batch of rice crispy treats!) and once completely coated, you’re ready to install.
Transfer to your prepped opening. If you’re making a patio, start to fill your form and level. If you’re filling a driveway or patio with concrete pads, fill in between the openings and smooth. Be careful not to get epoxy on your concrete as it will stain it. Once the entire area you’re filling is full and level, follow package instructions to make sure it’s dry before using.
And as always, reach out to your local building supply or garden center for additional help and with specific questions. And if this is too much to DIY (trust me, I get it!) try calling a landscape installation company to see if they can help you. GOOD LUCK, FRIENDS!
I saw this kind of DIY project on TikTok with Mulch Glue. I did try doing it to pea gravel that was already down and it didn’t work 😢 it felt squishy because the stones get done underneath. I do have a container of Gravel Lock but don’t know what to do since the stone is already down.
Lisa McCartney
on January 31, 2024
Is this slippery when it gets wet?
on January 31, 2024
We put down the pea gravel (don’t compact it yet) and washed it several times with the hose. Once totally dry, we poured Concrete powder (no stones in it) over the gravel and rented a small compactor to vibrate it into all the nooks and crannies of the gravel. Finally, we hosed it down several times and allowed it to set and dry for 48 hours.
The results were stellar. The concrete became hard, stabilizing the gravel and holding it tightly in place. It’s been several years and it still looks and acts the way it did the first weekend we created it.
Lynn Miller
on January 31, 2024
How many of these kits did you need to fill your patio? What size is the patio?
on October 15, 2023
Yes how can I use this on existing pea gravel in place? The question is there just no answer
Deidre Ward
on April 24, 2023
What if the pea gravel is already down? I cannot take it all up, wash it, and do this process. Is there something I can just pour on the existing pea gravel?
on March 20, 2023
Could this also be used to fill the gap between flagstones? Polymeric sand does not last very long and makes a mess over time. I figure if I use pea gravel and epoxy and fill between the stones this should last quite some time. Is there a specific kind of epoxy that I would need to use and what would be the proportions of epoxy and pea gravel? Any advice you can share would be much appreciated.
Danny Williams
on November 12, 2022
Hi Jasmine! Thanks for posting these instructions. Does this process keep the area weed-free?
Catherine Fowler
on July 01, 2022
I remembered this from the show and was just telling my husband about the idea. Thanks for posting info about it. We’re so excited to incorporate this into our yard.
on June 18, 2022
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